We are here to help
Support information for the entire organization
Need support for your desktop or another device? Looking for audiovisual consulting or software development assistance? We are here to help no matter what IT related issue you are looking to solve.
We’ve streamlined how you request support so we can provide the best service experience possible.
4 ways to get help quickly:
1. Submit a ticket
Submit a ticket to have the most visibility and attention on your issue. Your ticket will go to a triage team to ensure the right folks get back to you as quickly as possible. Track your ticket's progress or provide additional information by viewing My Requests.
Submit a ticketView My Requests
2. Email Customer Care
Please send an email to and explain your issue in detail. Remember to include a current contact number in case we need clarification.
3. Call Customer Care
Please contact Customer Care at 310-267-CARE (2273). Specialists are available 24/7 to provide support.

4. Visit walk-up support
IT Connect, located in the Center for Health Sciences building (CHS) in the area west of Café Med, is committed to providing the best in-person personal computing services to the UCLA Health Sciences community.
*Please be aware, shipping of equipment is not the responsibility of UCLA Health Information Technology.