Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2022

Welcome to UC Cybersecurity Awareness Month - UCCAM! The campaign theme this year is Overcoming the Human Factor. We can’t stress enough the important role that every member of our community plays in keeping our systems safe and our patients’ data secure.
Reports of data breaches and cyber-attacks have become so prolific that it feels like they now happen on a regular occurrence. Health care centers remain the top target for cyber criminals and over 53 million individuals have been impacted by data compromises in 2022.
However overwhelming this information seems, you still have all the power to protect yourself and your data from malicious attacks. This year the National Cybersecurity Alliance is focusing on teaching you the tools to protect yourself with the overarching theme of See Yourself in Cyber.
We will be sending you emails throughout the month to keep you updated on UCLA Health specific security initiatives and teaching you tools to better protect yourself.
Find a list of UCCAM events from all UC campuses on our events page.