Two people working together on their laptops





Use our new ticket form on the IT Portal to submit a request! Now when you enter your issue, associated knowledge base articles will appear to try to help you resolve your issue. Watch our new Submit a Ticket video to learn how to get there and how to use it.    

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Cybersecurity insights

Phishing (pronounced 'fishing') is an email scam designed to acquire sensitive information from people. The most successful phishing emails are designed to look like the email comes from a reputable source such as a known person or entity. UCLA Health faculty, staff, and students are often the target of attempts to gain login credentials or personal information through phishing scams that may claim to be coming from UCLA Health, UHIT, or a UCLA department. Sometimes the email says that you must click a link to reactivate or update your account, or that you must provide your user information to keep your account active. These are fraudulent attempts and should not be replied to or acted upon.

If you encounter a suspicious email, help your community by reporting it. Click on "Report Suspicious" at the top of your Outlook Client or forward to on mobile. That way, our systems and teams can review it, and, if it's malicious, take steps to make sure that sender can't target other users too.

Learn more on how to report a phishing email →