Health Sciences Development IT Merger

This is your one-stop-shop for all things related to the Health Science Development IT merger. DGIT is committed to helping you navigate through the most recent changes made to your IT support and services. Some of this information includes, training materials and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Different Logons, Different Services
With the creation of Mednet accounts, we understand the difficulty of understanding what username goes with what application. To make it a little easier for you, we've broken down some of your commonly used applications by account below.
Need support for your desktop or another device? We are here to help. We’ve streamlined how you request support so we can provide the best service experience possible.
Choose from one of the options below.
Training and Resources
Email Set up
- To access email on the Outlook desktop client will require VPN while off the network. Set up your new email on Outlook while on the Mednet network or VPN, using these set up instructions. If you do not have VPN access, we recommend accessing your email through OWA.
- To access email from a web browser, visit the Office 365 Outlook Web Application (OWA) which requires DUO for UCLA Health for offsite access while not on VPN.
- To access your email account from a mobile device, your email account will be managed via Airwatch Intelligent Hub. Learn more about Airwatch Intelligent Hub. Enroll in Airwatch Intelligent Hub on Thursday, July 30 and your email will begin populating automatically.
If you are unable to access your email by 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 30, please reach out to Customer Care for assistance at (310) 267-CARE (2273).
Windows 10
Please review the eLearning series to help you become familiar with the changes and new features we can expect to see with Windows 10. Watch Windows 10 eLearning series →
Office 2016
- What’s new in Word 2016
- Word 2016 Training
- Word Quick Start Guide (Download PDF)
- What’s new in PowerPoint 2016
- PowerPoint 2016 Training
- (Download PDF)
- What’s new in Excel 2016
- Excel 2016 Training
- Excel Quick Start Guide (Download PDF)
- What’s new in Outlook 2016
- Outlook 2016 Training
- Outlook Quick Start Guide (Download PDF)
- What’s new in OneNote 2016
- OneNote 2016 Training
- OneNote Quick Start Guide (Download PDF)
Q: Where can I find the recordings of the last few trainings?
A: We're sorry you missed those events! We've listed all the recording below:
- Lunch and Learn with Customer Care | 6/17 →
- Lunch and Learn with Sean Stanley on Zoom | 07/01 →
- Discussing Remote Work Options with Arif | 07/23 →
- Preparing for HSD Upcoming Email Migration | 07/28 →
- Discussing Post Email Migration + Troubleshooting | 08/10 →
- Lunch and Learn on Microsoft Teams | 08/11 →
- Lunch and Learn on UCLA Health Box | 08/13 →
Q: Will my archived emails be migrated?
A: Yes. This will be taken care of after email migration with individuals who have indicated they have archived emails. A technician will work with you individually.
Q: Will my Outlook delegates migrate over?
A: Yes. You may have to set it up in your Outlook, but the permissions have been duplicated on the Mednet side. If you are experiencing issues, please contact support through one of the methods listed above.
Q: Am I able to get to my network drives on my personal computer?
A: Yes. Your computer will need to be encrypted, have an anti-virus, and ClearPass OnGuard to have access to the Mednet network. Once your computer is on the Mednet network, the shared drives can be mapped to your computer. If your computer is not using the UCLAHealthSecure WiFi, you will need to be on the VPN to access these drives. You may also remote into your workstation with Remote Desktop.
Q: What do I need to work remotely?
A: Visit our Guide for Remote Work for more information →
Q: How do I access Box?
A: As a result of the email migration and IT merger, we have migrated the data from your UCLA Campus Box to UCLA Health Box. Visit the UCLA Health Box and log in with your Mednet credentials. In the migration, collaborations may have been broken, so those will need to be reestablished.
Learn more about UCLA Health Box →
Q: Can I use UCLA Health’s instance of Zoom?
A: Yes, your Mednet account provides you access to our HIPAA-compliant instance of Zoom. Start hosting meetings by visiting UCLA Health Zoom and signing in with your Mednet username and password.
Our team recently held a webinar on Zoom for HSD, check out the recording here →
For more information, visit our Zoom webpage.
Q: Who do I contact for support with OTG, Citrix, or Blackbaud CRM?
A: Please contact EA IT via the Campus IT Support Center.
Q: I have all these files on my Citrix desktop that I need. How do I move them to my “Mednet desktop”?
A: We recommend using your UCLA Health Box account. On the Citrix side, launch You will need to Duo in. Upload the files you need from your Citrix desktop to your UCLA Health Box account. On your “Mednet desktop”, you can access these files using Box Drive, or you can access them via a web browser.