Voicemail Migration

On March 1, 2021, all VoIP phones using the UCLA campus IT hosted voicemail system will be migrated to our UCLA Health IT voicemail system. This change will impact VoIP phones in RRUCLA, SMUCLA, and Medical Plaza Building. The transition to our locally hosted voicemail system will allow us to consolidate services and improve support to our organization
Impacted voicemail users
All impacted users should have received voicemail messages from UCLA Health IT Notification on February 4 instructing them to set up their new voicemail box. We encourage you to initialize your new voicemail box prior to March 1 to ensure a smooth transition.
Setting up your new voicemail box
To set up your new voicemail box:
- Access your voicemail box by dialing 310-267-7889 or extension 77889 if you are onsite.
- Enter your 5 digit extension and press #
- Enter PIN 8252 (UCLA) and press #
- Follow prompts to setup your new voicemail (i.e. Recorded name, Personal greeting, Change PIN)
For additional details about your new voicemail box, download the Voicemail Quick Reference Guide. For assistance in setting up your voicemail, contact Customer Care at 310-267-CARE (2273).
For a complete guide to your new voicemail system, download our Voicemail Complete Reference Guide.
Checking Voicemails in Previous System
Until March 1, continue to check your voicemails by dialing (310) 267-7777 (77777 if you are on campus)
Starting March 1, voicemail saved in the previous voicemail system will be accessible March 1 - May 31, 2021 by dialing 310-267-1200 (71200 if you are on campus), then entering your 5 digit extension and your passcode.
After May 31, all voicemails saved in the previous system will be deleted.
How do I listen to my voicemails recorded before May 1st?
- To listen to voicemails saved or recorded before 3/1, dial 310-267-1200. (Note: this number will expire on May 31). Voicemails recorded starting 3/1 can be access by dialing 310-267-7777.
What is my voicemail PIN?
- As part of the new voicemail initiation process, you will be recording a new PIN. To initiate your voicemail box dial, 310-267-7777, enter your 5 digit extension, and enter PIN 8252. Then follow prompts to Record your name, personal greeting, and create a new PIN.
How do I set up my personal greeting?
- To set up a personal greeting, initiate your voicemail box by dialing 310-267-7777, enter your 5 digit extension, enter PIN 8252, and record your personal greeting.