Message from the DGSOM Acting CIO

Summer 2019
In the last year, Dean Kelsey Martin and Dr. Mike Pfeffer have been working closely and diligently on the recruitment of the DGIT Deputy Chief Information Officer to lead the Health Sciences Schools’ IT support and services. The search for this position has garnered the attention of over 100 qualified applicants nationwide. The search is underway with an estimated completion by the end of this calendar year.
On our site you’ll find our DGIT Service Catalog, a dynamic portfolio of the technology, offered to all our clients within the School of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, and Public Health. Our aim is to ensure our offerings meet your needs in support of teaching, learning, research, administration, and healthcare. DGIT works closely with an IT Governance board that guides us in selecting projects and products that will ensure we are addressing our client’s needs. For more information on the services and support we offer, please visit our DGIT Service Catalog.
We are excited to continue to bring tools that will facilitate your work or advance your research. If you have feedback on our current services or would like to have our teams look into new software, please fill out our survey and our teams will get in touch. For more information on the services made available to you, please visit our Service Catalog or check out the other tools you can access with your Mednet username and password.
Provide your feedback!
If you have constructive or actionable feedback to improve our IT services, please provide your suggestion below.