DeAna Schafer
Principal Trainer for Ambulatory Providers
Area of Focus: Ambulatory Providers
DeAna Schafer joined UCLA Health ISS in 2012 as an Orders Credentialed Trainer. Shortly after the 2013 Big Bang Go Live for CareConnect, she left to continue honing her training skills at several other institutions Epic implementations, before returning to UCLA in 2014 as an Orders, Radiant, Anesthesia and Ambulatory CT. In 2016, she became the Ambulatory Providers and MyChart Principal Trainer. Epic Bones and Derm applications were added to her portfolio and as Ambulatory continued to grow, MyChart was reassigned to a colleague in 2020. She is certified in EpicCare Ambulatory and EpicCare Ambulatory Curriculum.
DeAna has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Secondary Education, English Literature from California State University, Long Beach.
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