Secure Email Messages
What is email encryption?
Email encryption is used to protect the content of an email from being read by anyone other than its intended recipient(s).
At times, you may receive a secure message from someone at UCLA Health. This just means that you will need to log into our secure message portal to read/retrieve the message.
If you have never received a secure message before, you will be asked to create an account to read secure messages. Be sure to create an account using the same email address through which you received the secure message.
Please review our step-by-step instructions on how to register for and view secure messages.
How to View a Secure Message
Click on the link provided in the email notification message (see example of message below).

If the recipient email address is not registered with our secure message portal, the individual will be directed to create an account to read secure email.
Recipient will need to:
- Create a password
- Select and answer a security question. Your security question and answer will be used in the event you forget your password.

Once the email address is registered and a security question and answer is in place the recipient will be able to:
- Use the link provided in the secure message email notification to access the message in the secure message portal
- Use the attachment provided in the secure message email notification to access the message in the secure message portal
From the secure message portal the recipient will be able to view the message, download attachments, and reply to the sender. While replying through the secure message portal is not required, the option is provided.

Password Reset
In the event a recipient has forgotten his or her password to the secure message portal, the Forgot Password link can be used to reset the password.

The recipient will be prompted with the security question selected when the email address was registered.

Once a correct answer is supplied, a prompt to create a new password will be provided.
Secure Message Portal Reset Request
If you are unable to log into the secure email portal, have been locked out, or have forgotten your password (as well as the answers to your security question), please use the following form to request that access for the associated recipient email address be reset.